With the use of the MAV calibration equipment you are able to calibrate and adjust MAV devices on your own. This way, downtimes are reduced and costs minimized long-term wise.
For a successful calibration / adjustment of your test stations you need the following equipment:
The calibration process is as follows:
Using the fixtures, the load cell has to be assembled on the test station that is subject to calibration. Load cell and KMG have to be connected using the data cable. Subsequently force is applied to the machine in predefined steps and displayed values of the machine and the KMG reference system, which receives the correct force values via the load cell, have to be compared (calibration). The internal parameters of the machine should then be adjusted within the setup-menu until the displayed values of machine and KMG match (adjustment). A detailed manual for the calibration of all models can be found within the KMG’s operation manual. For information regarding mavCALIB and a downloadable trial version navigate to “Products” - “Software”.
Download KMG data sheet.
Download load cell data sheet.
General information regarding the calibration of force testers.
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