The MAV PRÜFTECHNIK GmbH has been a manufacturer of machines, appliances and devices for the wire-processing industry since 1962 and in the course of the years specialized on tensile and compressive force measurement machines. Today’s delivery program includes a wide spectrum of force measuring devices, digital test stations for all kinds of tensile and compressive tests as well as force-displacement and force-time measurements. All machines are manufactured in Germany.
The MAV test stations combine a robust construction with a simple control concept and modern evaluation electronics. In interaction with a diverse range of receptions and clamping tools that may be used in almost any possible combination, MAV test stations are suitable for quality assurance, applications in test laboratories, but also all kinds of tasks directly linked to the production process.
As an addition to the standard deliver program, the MAV PRÜFTECHNIK GmbH also offers a construction service for customer-specific tools that are designed and tested after received specimen.
Software solutions for the evaluation and processing of measured data, calibrating and adjusting MAV test stations, repair and maintenance as well as a qualified and competent support regarding technical issues and questions are part of our range of services.
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